Friday, February 29, 2008

Celebrate Life

I am packed and ready to head out to our district camp grounds in Indianapolis. Tonight starts our weekend Celebrate Life retreat. This is the first time we have done celebrate life as a weekend retreat and I'm pretty excited about it!

I am the speaker for tonight's service and I'm pretty pumped up for it! It is always exciting talking to a group of teenagers and sharing what God has placed in your heart. I'm talking about Jacob and Esau tonight. I'll be sharing how Esau traded all that God had created to be for a momentary craving for soup! I think we all have many moments just about every day where we can sell out the person God has created us to be for a momentary craving that never fulfills and leaves us hungry for more.

I have a quote on the wall in my office that says, "I have created you for so much more! Why do settle?"

It's my prayer that I refuse to buy into lies and momentary cravings and instead pursue passionately the life and the person that God has created me to be.

Love, Joy & Peace!

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