Thursday, January 08, 2009

Sledding! Korean style

All week long the staff from outside of Korea has really been looking forward to today. We had been told that we were going sledding with the students this afternoon.

We later found out that Koreans don't exactly sled like they do in America. Actually they don't even go sledding in the snow.

We drove 50 minutes up this huge mountain range. It was beautiful! But when I looked out my window I was terrified, it dropped down further than I could see and I was on a big tour bus with about 60 kids. We arrived at this rice patty unloaded the kids. They were each handed a wooden sled made out of shipping pallet with something like ice-skate blades on the bottom and two sticks each with a large nail at the bottom. Then we walked around a building and they had a rice patty that they had filled with water and it was frozen. The kids would sit on their sleds and scoot around with the wooden handled nail things. It was AMAZING!

After we were done sledding we went to another area where old men had been cooking potatoes for us! They had these huge open grills filled with rocks, with a big fire beneath them. They rolled up regular potato's and sweet potato's in foil and threw them in the rocks to cook for about an hour. They tasted amazing! (I ate a sweet potato so Aunt Gina you owe me a $1 at Thanksgiving! Sorry Mom!) All the kids would stand around and fight to get one when they threw it out of the grill! Here are a few videos from today's festivities!

The first one is of Kendall introducing you to Korean sledding, and the second is my friend Ann Brill (a teacher here) falling down! She had never seen snow before and was very excited for the little that was there. Hope all is well for you! Love, Joy & Peace!


PaRcHeR GiRlS said...


Anonymous said...

The checks in the mail!