Thursday, January 01, 2009

Dancing in Korea

School has been going great!

Things are a little different than I expected but its been very fun and interesting. I wish I had more time to sit back and write out all of the funny things that these kids have said and done! They are so much fun. I'm off on Sunday so maybe I will be able to share some stories then!

I am teaching 5 classes a day. Some classes are pretty advanced and some have a hard time understanding the word "wave."

I am also responsible for a "Club" each day after class. I am co-teaching Music club with my friend Kendall. Our plan was to sing and learn some new songs. That didn't work well. Apparently Korean kids don't like to sing. But as you can see from the video below they love to shake! We made the shakers yesterday in class and today we had them shake along to some of our songs! It was really fun!

I'm off to bed. I'll try to put some funny stories together for the week end! Enjoy the videos. Love, Joy & Peace!

This last video is of me walking my kids back to our dorm after dinner! They had a bit of energy and I wanted them to say hello to you!


Kara Joy said...
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PaRcHeR GiRlS said...

Looks like a fun time!!

PaRcHeR GiRlS said...

for some reason the computer says
brad - but its from me... MaMa!!!
love ya.

Kara Joy said...

:) they are so cute!! that song y'all are teaching them "there's a river of life flowing out of me..." that's like my favorite camp song ever!! a great one to shake to!! wish i could dance with them! :) i'm glad you're having so much fun! i love you, miss you, and can't WAIT for the funny stories!! talk to you later!!
-kara joy

Anonymous said...

Hey Ryan ..The videos were wonderful. Keep them coming. GOD BLESS. G/G Kaufman.