Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Who do you love that is unlovable? Do you have someone in your life that God has given you a burden for? Someone who others look at and say why are you spending time with them?

I saw this video today and it made me think a lot about the comfort level of my life. Does my relationship with Jesus make such a difference in my life that it even changes the lives of the people around me?

You might not know this about me but I've completed all of the courses to be licensed as a foster parent in the state of Indiana. I'm not licensed because I withdrew my name right before my last home visit check. I removed my name because I wasn't in a healthy enough place in life to take on this responsibility just yet. But during the process I learned so much about the foster system and the struggle these kids face. Are you living a life of love? A life that is making a difference?

Check out this video. Maybe God's calling you to love on some kids that no one else wants to love.

Foster Care Video from Cornerstone Church on Vimeo.

1 comment:

brad said...

I can't for your foster kid to meet my adopted baby!